Generating ideas
What if the sun disappeared for a hour What if the Uk was a feminist run state What if the germans won WW2 What if every time you are the universe and every-time a version of you dies a black hole is formed What if ben chebabo and mrs foster moved in together the sun slowly starts to fade as the sky is filled with red eternal darkness the earth starts to get colder as it looses all heat and life starts to die people try to find a way to survive without the sun all the scientists come together to create a way to survive global warming is reversing create heat lamps from the core of the earth to power the heat all the human made tech in space is transported along with the sun to a alien planet where there sun is dying so they stole earths By stealing their tech they go through all the reality to get back to earth where on this journey they see the earths creation but when they get back to earth it is 1000 years later as they went outside of time but they did not a...