
Showing posts from February, 2020

Component 2 section C; Film movements: Silent cinema

Silent Cinema Realism Vs  Expressionism - This debate centres on wether film should be realist or an expressive medium - Should a filmmaker be concerned with representing the world as is e.g. documentary - or should a filmmaker regard the medium as a creative one in which the everyday world is transformed - in history this is all traced all the way to 1895-1902 in France - the lumbers conceived this view Film: Realist or expressive? This debate centres on whether film should be a 'realist' or an 'expressive' medium. In other words, should a filmmaker be concerned with representing the world as is-for example, in the manner of a documentary-or should a filmmaker regard the medium as a creative one in which the everyday world is transformed? The Lumiéres Brothers conceived of this new invention as one for recording found reality and in so doing encouraging the spectator to gaze freshly on a world that might otherwise be taken for granted. By contrast George Mél