
Showing posts from January, 2021

city of god essay

  Explore how performance and mise-en-scene are used to enrich meaning in  City of god.  Make detailed reference to particular sequences in your answer. (20) In City of God the use of colour in the tender trio introduction scene is used to present the themes of power, poverty and conflict in the Favelas but with the tender trio they are represented but not in a negative way. The use of colours and lighting do this as it is heavily based on the colour yellow which is connoted with happiness, loyalty and honour. This presents the tender trio made up of shaggy, clipper and Goose, they all represent the loyalty they have to their people also living in the favela as when they rob the truck the audience still views them positively as they give to the people of the favela. The performance further emphasises this as when they go to play football with the younger children the reactions showed by them further portrays them as good and genuine people who care for their community. They are all tal