
Showing posts from March, 2021

Bonnie and clyde essay

 Analyse the representations of gender in bonnie and Clyde how do key elements of film form enhance these representations  throughout Bonnie and Clyde we see multiple different representations of gender Penn uses characters and the elements of film form to convey his ideas on this subject to the audience of the 1960s. The audience of the time would be active and taken on board the representations as this was a time of great change especially in America with a rise in feminism and reinvention of the conventions of gender all of which is seen in Bonnie and Clyde.  Bonnie is used in conveying the idea of women being powerful and equal to men we see this in the scene in which Bonnie and Clyde rob their first bank together. This scene shows a change in bonnie from an innocent southern waitress to a powerful dominant woman. Who doesn't abide by the societal values of the 1930s. Such as women being subservient to men and the law as well as the patriarchy which was a highly powerful instit

Pulp fiction essay

You could argue that Pulp fiction is experimental as a result of Tarantino's being an auteur and therefore allowing him to challenge the established conventions from Hollywood which is set out and followed by the majority of directors however Tarentino puts his own spin on these conventions one such example is pulp fiction. which can be seen as an influence from the french new wave as they both challenged the conventions set out for what a movie should be. Throughout the entire film, we get a fragmented narrative structure and follow no chronological order jumping from one story arc to the next following no time order. This is unusual of Hollywood films, however, Tarantino chooses to challenge this with his fresh take on telling a story in a different standard by not following the chronological order of events, this allows for a active spectator as they have to try and piece together the order of the narrative.  This idea is reinforced in the scene in which we see butch get his fat

Component 1 section A Hollywood 1930-1990

  Bonnie & Clyde ( Arthur Penn 1967) Genre: crime drama - based on real events and characters  New hollywood Tabos - new outlooks  violence Contexts: Social - new generation rebelling against the old  Cultural - 1960s san franisco Vietnam war - pacifism - civil rights - liberal politics - youth culture  JFK femenist movement  Racism:  1960s is a time of change juxtaposed to the 1930s when there was widely accepted racism - links to repossesed house scene when black man lets anger out at the system simbolic for social justice taking place in the 1960s.  Great depression - 1930s:   Of mice and men  it was very difficult to be a farmer  repossession of homes  Reprsentations:  Women  Race men  gender issues  1960 juxtaposed to 1930s 1930s- wall street crash - depression -homlessness  1960s - Vietnam - civil rights - feminism  Key events  Key ideas and themes:  - Bonnies confidence and bravery  - she is different to blanch  - bonnie does not get on with blanch - different representation