
Showing posts from September, 2019

Wasp textual analysis (wasp Arnold, 2003)

Editing .fast pace editing koloshov effect shot reverse shot linier editing used to reflect the realism slow pace after fight depth of field to their faces not he bridge to show their feelings and to give the spectator a better understanding Cinematography .eye level camera angles hand held at start close up of feet showing bare foot wide angle shows the family in the line showing unison eye level to further show the personalities of the children handheld camera to make the spectator feel as though they are present therefore giving them a further feeling of empathy towards the kids juxtaposition to the close up of the baby and then her bum handheld camera to help make it seem more grimy and low lighting to add to the dark and dull feel long shot to show the whole of the main character and how she looks down an is upset shows how she feels bad giving the spectator empathy as she looks at a low point. the focusing in and out helps to give more confusion as it goes i

Micro features

Micro Features Cinematography  -lighting  -Camera movement  Track back  in  left  right  with  behind tilt up  down  dolly zoom  In  out  crane  up  down pan  static  -shot size -camera angle Canted, oblique or dutch angle - used to show Shallow depth of field - Deep depth of field - tracking back to show the bigger image and keep everything in focus A wide angle 28 mm lens was used also orwell used dealings in his sets Editing The kuleshov effect it was made in the 1920s is a concept where whatever you put after a cut helps to tell about the character as a person by their reaction to what they see this can help give the audience a better understanding on the personality of the character ad form their opinion on that character. The cutting room floor A technique in film editing in which series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time and information Graphic mat