Wasp textual analysis (wasp Arnold, 2003)

.fast pace editing
koloshov effect
shot reverse shot
linier editing used to reflect the realism
slow pace after fight

depth of field to their faces not he bridge to show their feelings and to give the spectator a better understanding
.eye level camera angles
hand held at start
close up of feet showing bare foot
wide angle shows the family in the line showing unison
eye level to further show the personalities of the children
handheld camera to make the spectator feel as though they are present therefore giving them a further feeling of empathy towards the kids

juxtaposition to the close up of the baby and then her bum

handheld camera to help make it seem more grimy and low lighting to add to the dark and dull feel

long shot to show the whole of the main character and how she looks down an is upset shows how she feels bad giving the spectator empathy as she looks at a low point.

the focusing in and out helps to give more confusion as it goes in and out of focus while they are kissing

 handheld camera while running shows the distress and worry

close up zooming in on face shows the raw emotion of the children

baseline story was followed = todorov theory

cross cutting
What points is she making about society? She directed one of the films on the British unit we study, so it's worth considering these points.

In the wasp (Arnold, 2003) cinematography is used to create meaning towards the end of the film several close ups are used to help give the spectator empathy towards the children as they are looking them in the eyes and in their face. This will give a better understanding of the thought and feelings of the characters in the film. Additionally the movement is handheld which makes the spectator feel as though they are there and help to add to the confused and distressed feeling. An example of this is when the mother is running and the camera is following her it is hand held to add to the of realism and confusing feel. This creates meaning because the spectator can further identify and empathise with the characters as they can understand how they are feeling as they see their faces on a eye to eye level. Along with the handheld camera helping to give the spectator a feel as though they are more involved and therefore making them want to help and further identifying with the characters. Arnold has made this film to make the spector realise the struggles that some people face from different backgrounds in the Uk. It is filmed on a council estate to give the spectre a perspective on how people don't always have the privileges in life. This is making a point on how society forgets about people and does not show concern or worry about them. 


  1. 1. "In the wasp (Arnold, 2003)" - ensure titles of films are correct - this is simply called Wasp. Capitalise the first letter. My preference is to italicise film titles.
    2. One thing that's missing here is a comment on WHY. Why has Arnold made this film? What does she want us to feel about these characters? Why film it on a council estate? What points is she making about society? She directed one of the films on the British unit we study, so it's worth considering these points.

    Mr Boon


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