Swimmer (Ramsay, 2012)


the heavy bass helps to create an uncomfortable on edge feeling 

the way the music speeds up helps to build tension 

the use of sharp and loud music makes the spectator feel uncomfortable and as though they are in the water 

The angelic music with the children singing in the background helps to create this safe and happy environment 

the sound of the water is relaxing and the music in the background is happy music giving the spectator a feeling of having a good time 

The music and black and white help to set up the time frame as quite old 

the high pitch noise creates uncomforted feel

the drums and fast singing helps the audience feel dazed this also works with the editing 

the eyry music helps give the film a thriller feel 

the echoes and high pitched birds gives a threatening and unsafe feel 

the sound is intense as it cuts from walking to swimming with a mixture of all different noises such as the police siren 

The use of the man speaking and not seeing him helps to draw all focus on the swimmer and to give the spectator an easier image to follow 

the classical music helps to create a feel as though he is celebrating or achieving something 

all the different sounds help to show how genreless the film is 

deep underwater the music is intense and scary to show the deep dark side of him 

the river seems calm on top but the deeper you go it is rough and jagged 


  1. Same comment for The Grandmother - you've got some bullet points here that you could easily sequence into a paragraph.

    Mr Boon


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