Essay writing

Ensure each of the key study areas are covered.
Global Film
Film form
Meaning and response


Meet each of the Assessment Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of elements of film
Apply knowledge and understanding of elements of film to analyze film

Start with a point directly related to the question
Back up with evidence from the text and using key film studies vocabulary but being careful not to retell the story
Explore the impact on the spectator of the decisions made by the director
Offer interpretations of potential meanings of what is seen on the screen
Support with relevant contexts

Exmple essay: 

With close reference to the film you have studied , explore how either editing and sound create meaning (40)

         In the scene where Vidal hosts the dinner the editing and sound are key to understanding the scene. But to understand this we need to first understand the directors intentions through the editing, in this scene del toro intended to present the ideas of patriarchy. An example of this is in the feast scene, where there is a shot reverse shot where we see carman from Vidal's shoulder and Vidal from in front. This shows us that Vidal is the superior character, this is that idea of the patriarchy being bad and this idea is presented by using Vidal who is the antagonist as a mouthpiece for the patriarchy. During this scene       there is constant diegetic sound of the fire which helps the spectator to understand the chilling and dark atmosphere, given off by Vidal. This also gives an uncomfortable feeling, for the spectator as they are forced to listen to daunting sounds while looking at the sinister character with the background amplifying this persona. There is the idea of the fire representing a burning Spain behind Vidal as they are oblivious to the troubles behind them.  this mirrors how Del toro is strongly against the patriarchy and racist regime presenting them as the enemy and the imagination and innocence of a child as positive. He puts this idea forward that the a child's imagination is key to escaping the world they are trapped in. Del Toro wants to establish the difference between good and evil and does this effectively with the non-diegetic sound presented. When there is a cut to Mercedes alone, we hear a Heroic motif in major key which ultimately adds to the idea that Del toro wants the spectator to see how she is Valiant and couragous. 

Del Toro conveys vidal as powerful and dominant within the feast scene,Sergi Lopez shows this through his performance. specifically his body language and his postureVidal sits at the head of the table with his back up right, and legs apart this physically demonstrates his power and control over the table.This is contrasted with carmens body posture, she's seating with her hand on her lap and whilst she speaks she looking down at her food, this indicates vidal honour ship over her. Del toro does this to represent the state of gender politics and the patriarchal society that men held dominance over women at this time. However this is contrasted with the portrayal of mercedes. Firstly she is shown in a position of control, she is standing and takes the control from Vidal by taking Carmen out of the scene. This could foreshadow the end of the film, where Mercedes takes both his child and his life.

In Pan's Labyrinth, meaning is created in the feast scene through aesthetic qualities by having the setting and colour palette at the start as dark and muted blues and the setting is rainy. Before they all sit down to have dinner, it's raining outside and is very dark. This could be pathetic fallacy and foreshadowing that something bad will come later in the film. The directors message here is that the place that they are staying at is evil and dangerous. This creates meaning as the spectator now feels on edge as they are unsure about what will happen next. Another way meaning is created is by the framing in the dinner scene. When the camera focus on Carmen, it's an over the shoulder shot of Vidal and they are both in the frame. However, when it cuts and the camera focuses only on Vidal he is the only person in the whole frame. The directors intentions here is to isolate Vidal from everyone else and to shows he's of importance here as he was in the frame with Carmen, but in the fame on his own and this shows he has power over everyone there. This makes the spectator feel inferior to Vidal as they are intimated by him due to how his importance is portrayed. 

Another way aesthetic qualities create meaning is through the use of the opening shot establishing a new scene is a pan left and tracking shot which shows maids preparing the dining table, and the cameras movement stops to reveal Carmen in a wheelchair being pushed around. This reminds the spectators of the constant patriarchal theme of the film, where Vidal wants to assert his dominance by being in control of what Carmen is free to do, despite them being partners. We enter another shot, where the farm shows a dining room table, with equal amount of people opposite each other, with Vidal at the head of the table. Not only does this show to spectator's Vidal's obsession with authority, the equity of people on his left and right shows the table perfectly balanced and in order. This reflects how the fascists want to bring balance and order to everyone in Spain. 


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