Gunfighter (2014)

This time you need to analyse as many micro elements as possible, pick a short sequence and write about how meaning has been created. Remember to think about the message of the director and the impact on the spectator.

The Mise en scene creates meaning and impacts on the spectator by showing them that it is of the western genre it does this through what they are wearing such as hats and boots by seeing this the spectator instantly knows that it is western as they associate these things with the genre. the location also does this as it is set in a sallon with the swinging doors that we associate with the western genre 

The sound also gives the spectre an understanding such as in the beginning scene when he enters we hear the sound of his boot on the ground with the sound of the spur clattering we also associate this with the genre. The music 


  1. You need to remember your punctuation - the main paragraph needs full stops. You should also comment on aesthetic qualities, and how they affect the spectator - remember that you're using these films as influences for your NEA, so you should always think about the impact they create on the spectator.
    Mr Boon


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