City of god
Themes - Power - Corruption - Conflict/ war - Crime/murder - Violence - Romance - Patriarchy Introduction Themes: power conflict corruption crime patriarchy violence Paragraph one: pans labyrinth - feast scene - Vidal head of table Vidal as a villain; patriarchy and power Irony - rationing cards for peasants while feast is laid Paragraph 2: PL- pale man- how this relates to Vidal (framing and blocking, Mise en scene, cinematography) similarity of framing Themes - Vidal and pale man both in control - power structures Del Toros fascination with monsters - Vidal = monster {additional poacher scene violence} Paragraph 3: cog Benny's death scene quick cuts, fast paced to show the whole of the party when lil Ze comes in is slows down focusing on him and his face there are few cuts but when it switches back to benny the cuts sped up again and you see lots of other people in the shots rocket has fast cuts with long shots and you can see all of them wh...